Picatsso has been released onto the Google Play Store! Download it from here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.ac.bcu.gamercamp.picatsso&hl=en_GB

Picatsso has been released onto the Google Play Store! Download it from here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.ac.bcu.gamercamp.picatsso&hl=en_GB
Below is my latest (and due to time constraints, probably my last) pass of the water shader I was working… Read more HLSL water with panning normal maps
On my course I was tasked with explaining the the process of transforming a 3D point in a game from… Read more Projecting a 3D point into the 2D space of the screen (video)
I am very interested in shader programming, which is likely due to my academic background in mathematical modelling and simulation.… Read more Shader Primer (written blog)
I am a programmer looking to find a role within the computer games industry. I am currently studying at the… Read more Welcome to my website!