I created a prototype UI menu system in C++, using a little bit of SFML to provide sprite and text… Read more C++ Menu System using graphs!
Intersections of geometric primitives by rays
I wrote some classes in Unity to calculate whether or not a ray intersects a plane or a sphere. We… Read more Intersections of geometric primitives by rays
OpenGL graphics engine!
Here is a video of a very work in progress graphics engine I have been working on using the OpenGL… Read more OpenGL graphics engine!
Space shooter prototype!
I’ve always wanted to make a space shooter. Well, this is a space shooter I have briefly been working on… Read more Space shooter prototype!
Maximum Depth of Binary Tree
Simply use a depth first search to count the number of nodes.
This is from the Udemy course “Data Structures and Algorithms bootcamp”. This is a bit of a fiddly one. You… Read more OneAway
This is from the Udemy course “Data Structures and Algorithms bootcamp”. Are the two input strings a permutation of each… Read more IsPermutation
Unique Characters
This is from the Udemy course “Data Structures and Algorithms bootcamp” You are given a string and you need to… Read more Unique Characters
DirectX 12: Chapter 8 Exercise 1: Pulsing Red Light
This is my answer to Frank Luna’s “Introduction to 3D Game Programming with Direct X 12”, Chapter 8 “Lighting”, Exercise… Read more DirectX 12: Chapter 8 Exercise 1: Pulsing Red Light
Direct X 12, Chapter 7 Exercise 3: Render Skull
This is my answer to Frank Luna’s “Introduction to 3D Game Programming with Direct X 12”, Chapter 6 “Drawing in… Read more Direct X 12, Chapter 7 Exercise 3: Render Skull